Information on common and complex technical issues in data storage. Learn to recognize problems and reasons to use data recovery services from industry professionals.
LaCie external drives are often considered a higher quality brand by users. Some look more durable, while others may seem more luxurious. For example, some of our professional photographer customers considered them a better choice based on recommendations in forums. However, the truth is that inside the stylish case lies an ordinary hard drive, and thus they suffer from the same issues. Only the drive's case might add a bit of robustness. No miraculous formula has granted LaCie drives immortality.
The binary system (BIN), which forms all software and hardware in computing, is not an invention of modern times. The binary system was first described in China in the book 'I Ching' more than 3,000 years ago. In the 17th century, the famous mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz refined the concept of binary arithmetic. The hexadecimal (HEX) system developed later as a tool for more efficient work with binary data. The decimal system (DEC), which we use every day, is as old as humanity itself and is the foundation of our understanding of numbers.
An uninitialized disk in the hands of a "daring IT wizard" can spell disaster for data. Whether it's a user's attempt to "repair the disk" or a careless intervention by an IT service lacking the necessary expertise, the result is often the same - extensive disk damage and an increased risk of data loss. In today's digital world, that's definitely not good news. That's why it's crucial in these cases to consult professionals - data recovery experts equipped with the necessary tools, knowledge, and experience.
The mobile phone is currently one of the most important devices we own. It's something like a personal assistant, diary, camera, and communicator, all in one. Without it, we would often feel lost - it is our connection to family, friends, work, and the world. Unfortunately, this dependency on our phone can be a double-edged sword. What if it suddenly breaks or is water damaged? What are the data recovery options?
NAND flash memories can be found in most of today's data storage devices, without which personal computers, mobile phones, flash drives, memory cards, and control units would hardly be able to operate. The history of NAND began in 1987 when Toshiba introduced the first NAND flash chip. Widespread expansion of NAND chips was achieved around 2000. Between 2010 and 2015, thanks to reduced production costs and improved reliability, NAND memories began to massively expand. SSDs almost completely replaced system disks in new computers, while the capacities of mobile phones, memory cards, and flash drives increased and prices fell to an acceptable level.
Loss of data can be stressful for everyone. Whether it's important documents, photos, or other files, losing data can pose a big problem. When such a situation arises, it is crucial to avoid rushed attempts at data recovery. Data recovery is often possible, but the correct procedure can be decisive. In this article, we will guide the thought process of a user asking the question "Is it possible to recover files from a disk?"
A specific issue that can affect SSDs with the Phison PS3111 controller: as a result of controller failure, the SSD is reported in the system as "SATAFIRM S11" or “SATABURN S11”. If you have encountered this problem, it is essential to know the proper procedure to avoid losing valuable data. In this article, we will try to shed light on this issue and explore data recovery and restoration options.
A NAS storage system with a RAID disk array is a suitable combination that provides a safer way of data storage for medium and small businesses. Thanks to the wide range of various options from many manufacturers, these storage devices are also making their way into households. However, there is often (not only in households) too much trust placed in them. It's important to realize that RAID itself is not a backup.
Po připojení flash disku nebo paměťové karty k počítači jsou data fuč, disk/karta se nehlásí, případně vyskočí systémové okno, že je disk třeba naformátovat. Pokud na médiu nemáme důležitá data, tak nad tím lze mávnout rukou. Ale co když jsou data důležitá, ba dokonce nepostradatelná?
Stalo se to již spoustě z nás - telefon spadne do vody a cenná data tak mohou být v ohrožení. Voda v mobilu může způsobit rozsáhlá poškození základní desky a čím déle budete otálet, tím komplikovanější může záchrana dat být. Poradíme, jak postupovat a na co dát pozor při pokusu o obnovu dat svépomocí.
EXALAB Data Recovery
Microshop s.r.o.
Pod Marjánkou 4
169 00 Praha 6
Česká Republika
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
9.00 - 18.00
Friday 9.00 - 17.30
other opening hours are possible upon agreement
Hotline: +420 608 177 773
Office: +420 233 357 122
E-mail: info@exalab.cz
Hotline: +420 608 177 773
Kancelář: +420 233 357 122
E-mail: info@exalab.cz
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
9.00 - 18.00
Friday 9.00 - 17.30
other opening hours are possible upon agreement
EXALAB Data Recovery
Microshop s.r.o.
Pod Marjánkou 4
169 00 Praha 6
Česká Republika