BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) is firmware that initializes a computer's hardware components upon startup, enabling proper communication between hardware and software. BIOS is responsible for detecting, testing, and initializing hardware components when the computer starts, allowing the operating system to take control of the computer.
The read/write heads are a crucial component of hard disk drives (HDDs), responsible for reading and writing data on the magnetic data platters of the hard disk. These heads "float" above the surface of the rotating data platters at an extremely small distance, allowing for precise data reading and writing. When the hard disk is in operation, the read heads move radially across the disk, enabling access to data stored in various areas. Data is written and read by changing the magnetic orientation on the disk, which the read head detects.
The disk electronics, also known as PCB (Printed Circuit Board), represent a crucial component of hard drives (HDD). It is responsible for controlling their operations and communicating with the computer system. The PCB contains a number of key components, including an MCU (Microcontroller Unit, serving as a processor), ROM (Read-Only Memory), RAM (Random-Access Memory, used as cache to speed up disk operations), disk motor controllers, power circuits, and in some cases, a NAND flash memory chip, especially in SSHDs (Solid-State Hybrid Drives). The PCB also includes an interface for connecting the disk to a computer.
eMMC is a standard that combines NAND flash memory and a controller into a single chip, reducing overall device manufacturing costs. It uses an 8-bit interface with one data channel, limiting read and write speeds. eMMC supports only one read or write operation at a time (half-duplex). Typical read and write speeds of eMMC range from 100-250 MB/s. eMMC chips are commonly used in mid-range and low-end mobile phones, tablets, and other similar applications (embedded systems). eMMC is mainly found in devices where higher performance is not a priority. The current eMMC standard is v. 5.1.
exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) is a file system primarily designed for flash memory and other digital media. It was developed by Microsoft and first introduced in 2006 as part of Windows CE 6.0.
JEDEC, short for Joint Electron Device Engineering Council, is a nonprofit organization specializing in the development and maintenance of technical standards for the semiconductor industry. JEDEC was founded in 1958 and was originally part of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). Today, JEDEC is an independent organization that includes more than 300 member companies from around the world.
JTAG je zkratka pro Join Test Action Group, tedy způsob standardizovaného testovacího přístupu k integrovaným obvodům definovaného normou IEEE 1149.1 z roku 1990. Není nikterak striktní, avšak určuje způsob, jakým mohou být testovací logické obvody zařazeny do integrovaných obvodů již osazených základních desek a testovat propojení mezi jednotlivými komponentami. JTAG komunikuje pomocí 5 pinů TDI, TDO, TCK, TMS, TRST (a GND).
LUKS is a disk encryption method primarily used in Linux and stands for Linux Unified Key Setup. It was created by Clemens Fruhwirth in 2004. LUKS is characterized by platform independence, making it usable in various tools and environments, which facilitates compatibility between different programs and ensures password management implementation in a documented and secure manner. LUKS uses dm-crypt as a backend for disk encryption, which has been part of the Linux kernel since version 2.6.
The magnetic slider of the hard disk drive (HDD) head is a key component that enables precise reading and writing of data on HDD magnetic data platters. This part is located at the end of the head arm and is responsible for interacting with the surface of the disk's data platters. Hard drives have a high density of data recording and are expected to perform rapid and error-free data reading and writing. The design and construction of the magnetic slider are thus crucial for the reliability and performance of the hard disk drive (HDD).
NAS je zkratka pro Network Attached Storage, volně přeloženo do češtiny síťové datové úložiště. Do NAS vkládáme jeden nebo více disků. S využitím více disků je možné sestavit diskové pole (RAID) a zvýšit tak zabezpečení ukládaných dat, případně zvětšit kapacitu. S NAS se nejčastěji setkáme v menších firmách a domácnostech a kromě funkce běžného souborového serveru obvykle disponuje řadou dalších funkcí, jako webový server, FTP, klient P2P sítí, různých multimediálních rozšíření atd.
EXALAB Data Recovery
Microshop s.r.o.
Pod Marjánkou 4
169 00 Praha 6
Česká Republika
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
9.00 - 18.00
Friday 9.00 - 17.30
other opening hours are possible upon agreement
Hotline: +420 608 177 773
Office: +420 233 357 122
E-mail: info@exalab.cz
Hotline: +420 608 177 773
Kancelář: +420 233 357 122
E-mail: info@exalab.cz
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
9.00 - 18.00
Friday 9.00 - 17.30
other opening hours are possible upon agreement
EXALAB Data Recovery
Microshop s.r.o.
Pod Marjánkou 4
169 00 Praha 6
Česká Republika